Fundamental Advertising + Marketing data on over 1,000,000 companies throughout the World.
The Advertising & Marketing Performance Report is specifically targeted at the problems and opportunities presented to advertising and marketing executives in their preparation for the future. In order to facilitate decision making and planning the report provides an analysis and evaluation of all possible marketing issues and aspects encountered by the Company.
The report analyses all the factors and facets of a company, their corporate structures, operating divisions, product ranges and services, competitors, markets and geographic presence. This is done over time and shows past performance, future performance forecasts and the effects of advertising and marketing decisions and expenditure on the company's sales and profitability in light of, and in interaction with, the overall market conditions.
The essential goal of the report is to give a complete and comprehensive document which supplies all the data necessary to make critical advertising and marketing decisions.
The Advertising & Marketing Performance Report can probably tell you more about the Company's Advertising and Marketing, its Markets and Customers, its Competitors and Trading Sector, than can any other source.
The EICD Advertising & Marketing Performance Reports are designed to provide a complete appraisal of the Target Company's Advertising and Marketing Performance.
The format and contents of these reports are entirely unique and no similar reports currently exist elsewhere in the world.
The Advertising & Marketing Performance reports are supplied in 4 volumes comprising of about 1,000 pages.
As EICD reports are output by computer the data contained in these reports is reliable and objective, and the impartiality of the conclusions is far superior to that of a manually produced study where one has to rely on individual marketing consultants and their opinions.
For these reasons readers believe that EICD reports are a more dependable product than that offered by ordinary Management Consultant's or Advertising Agency reports.
EICD are currently the only organisation publishing hard, factual information which will genuinely help companies overcome the problems and embrace the opportunities of the European Union market, the integration of World economies, and the reactions of the U.S.A. and Asian economies.