Online Access

Data Institute products are usually sold as a DVD and the data on that DVD is generated at the time of the order; however as soon as the data is produced it will inevitable start to become out-of-date as new forecasts are generated based on subsequently defined forecasting factors. In many dynamic markets the DVD product may not be a sufficiently current database for corporate planning purposes. Sometimes one may need a real-time database with dynamic forecasting and modelling capabilities.

The Data Institute can provide Online Access if a client requires real-time up-dating of the database.


A Consultancy Service is available to existing clients. The consultant's service is provided in addition to, and after, the provision of a report or database contract. A client can request the services of a consultant at any time for a period of 12 months after the purchase of a report or database, however in some instances (where for example the original report is likely to be out-of-date) the provision of the consultancy service is contingent on the up-dating of the original client report.

Consultants are supplied on a day rate basis, plus expenses. The consultant provided will depend on the product, market, industry or issue the client wishes to explore and will be expert in that particular field. It is essential that client take care in specifying their needs to ensure that their objectives and expectations are fully met.


The Data Institute can provide in-house seminars for existing clients. These seminars are produced and conducted by relevant experts on the topics covered.

The seminars are tailored for the particular need of the client and can be produced for audiences at various corporate levels within the client company.